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PyFinTech Changelog

v7.5.3 [2024-05-07]

  • Added fallback URL for licensed user verification to ensure a failure-resistant usage.

v7.5.1 [2024-03-27]

  • EBICS: Fixed bug with separate signature passphrase (H005).
  • EBICS INI-letter: Try to get bank name by BIC.
  • EBICS INI-letter: Added timezone to creation time.

v7.5.0 [2024-03-06]

  • SEPA: Added scheme CBIPaymentRequest.00.04.01 (IT).
  • EBICS: Check passphrases on keyring initialization.
  • Minor bug fixes.
  • Added support for Python 3.12
  • Dropped support for Python 3.4

v7.4.3 [2023-09-14]

  • Fixed runtime issue under Python 3.11 on MacOS.

v7.4.1 [2023-07-27]

  • EBICS: Added preliminary verification of external signatures.
  • EBICS: Skip transport signature if additional signers exist.
  • EBICS: Deprecated EbicsUser.manual_approval (use class parameter "transport_only" instead)
  • EBICS: Minor bug fixes.

v7.3.1 [2023-06-12]

  • EBICS: Added separate signature passphrase.
  • Added possibility to read license from file.
  • Updated external code sets.
  • Added support for Python 3.11

v7.2.10 [2023-03-18]

  • SEPA: Added French classification
  • SEPA: Fixed wrong position of CtgyPurp (CBI)
  • SEPA: Fixed check of CUC codes (IT)
  • EBICS: Added possibility to set accepted SSL ciphers

v7.2.9 [2022-11-29]

  • Fixed some minor bugs.

v7.2.6 [2022-08-05]

  • Replaced some deprecated functions.

v7.2.5 [2022-07-20]

  • SEPA: Allow foreign IBANs with Account objects.
  • EBICS: Strip incoming whitespaces on all text nodes.
  • RPC: Apply defusedxml to prevent known XML attacks.

v7.2.4 [2022-06-18]

  • EBICS: Added ASN1 DigestInfo to prehashed digest for external signatures.
  • RPC: Added possibility to extend the RPC class.

v7.2.3 [2022-06-07]

  • EBICS: Added support for multiple signatures.
  • EBICS: Added warnings about unconfirmed downloads.
  • SEPA: Added the possibility to set custom KREF ids.
  • Added possibility to install the RPC server as OS service.

v7.1.0 [2022-02-23]

  • Removed deprecated methods EbicsClient.CD1() and Account.set_creditor_id().
  • Added binaries for Linux ARM64.

v7.0.6 [2022-02-14]

  • EBICS: Added some Swiss order types.
  • EBICS: Added support for EBICS websockets.
  • SEPA: Reject amounts with more than two decimals.
  • SEPA: Added support for Urgent Payments (URGP).
  • Added revised version of the RPC server to the main package.
  • Fixed issue with default User-Agent header rejected by some banks.
  • Some bug fixes with EBICS 3.0
  • Updated external code sets.
  • Added support for Python 3.10
  • Dropped support for Python 2.

v6.6.5 [2021-05-21]

  • SEPACreditTransfer: Omit CdtrAgt if BIC is not specified.

v6.6.4 [2021-05-04]

  • EBICS: HPB bugfix, create keys from certificate as fallback.

v6.6.2 [2021-03-16]

  • CAMTParser: Fixed creditor/debtor assignment of reversed transactions.
  • DATEV: Group files by booking year and financial year.
  • DATEV: Reject amounts with more than two decimals.

v6.6.1 [2021-02-03]

  • Added missing SEPA countries AD and VC

v6.6.0 [2021-01-29]

  • Added support for Python 3.9

v6.5.2 [2020-12-06]

  • SEPA: Fixed bug parsing CAMT messages without AmtDtls node.
  • SEPA: Added SCL Card Clearing check to iban.check_bic().

v6.5.0 [2020-10-29]

  • EBICS: Added date range parameters to some download methods.
  • EBICS: Fixed missing TLS SNI support.
  • Dropped support for Python <2.7.9

v6.4.4 [2020-10-13]

  • EBICS: Added method EbicsBank.get_protocol_versions()
  • Fixed issue with Python 3.8

v6.4.1 [2020-07-30]

  • DATEV: Added support for divergent financial years.

v6.4.0 [2020-07-28]

  • EBICS: Added support for external signatures.
  • Added method LicenseManager.list_ebics_users()

v6.3.0 [2020-06-09]

  • DATEV: Added DatevCSV version 710.

v6.2.0 [2020-04-29]

  • SEPA: Added support for Instant Payments
  • SEPA: Added method Account.is_sepa()
  • SEPA: Fixed bug in Swiss SCT scheme versions
  • EBICS: Fixed issue with self-signed certificates
  • Fixed debugging issues

v6.1.1 [2019-12-24]

  • SEPA: Fixed bug in CBI scheme (CBI unique code)
  • SEPA: Added method Account.set_originator_id()

v6.1.0 [2019-12-19]

  • Added support for Python 3.8
  • Added currency of local account to SEPA documents
  • Changed LicenseManager endpoint

v6.0.7 [2019-09-21]

  • Added possibility to disable EBICS response verification.

v6.0.3 [2019-08-29]

  • Fixed Distributed Signature bug with key version A006.

v6.0.2 [2019-06-28]

  • Fixed creditor/debtor assignment of reversed transactions (CAMTParser).
  • Correctly sign amounts if reversal flag is set (MT940 parser).

v6.0.1 [2019-06-18]

  • EBICS: Implemented EBICS protocol version 3.0 (H005).
  • EBICS: Dropped support for PyCrypto.
  • EBICS: Removed depreciated factory function EbicsClientCompat.
  • EBICS: API changes: Renamed first parameter of EbicsClient.HVU() and EbicsClient.HVZ() from "ordertypes" to "filter".
  • SEPA: Added Swiss scheme versions.
  • SEPA: Added unstructured address attribute to Account.
  • SEPA: Updated IBAN countries.
  • DATEV: Added DatevCSV format.
  • Updated External Code Sets

v5.3.1 [2019-04-27]

  • SEPA: Fixed bug in CBI schemes

v5.3.0 [2019-04-09]

  • EBICS: Fixed bug downloading large files
  • SEPA: Added CBI schema for Italy

v5.2.1 [2019-03-03]

  • Fixed bug using a proxy.

v5.2.0 [2018-07-31]

  • Replaced the possibility to separate transactions with a method to create new batches.
  • Use INI letter path with user's home directory expanded.

v5.1.0 [2018-07-30]

  • Added possibility to process single transactions in its own batch.

v5.0.3 [2018-05-22]

  • Added FreeBSD binary

v5.0.2 [2018-04-03]

  • Fixed an issue with IPython and Django

v5.0.1 [2018-03-29]

  • Fixed VEU bug with suppress_no_data_error=True
  • Some code improvements

v5.0.0 [2018-03-26]

  • New packaging
  • Old versions should be uninstalled before upgrading!

v4.4.1 [2018-03-09]

  • Added some logging

v4.4.0 [2018-03-08]

  • Added EbicsClient context manager (auto-confirm)
  • Added EbicsClient property suppress_no_data_error
  • Added some IBAN countries
  • Fixed unverified SSL connections (Py>=2.7.9)
  • Accept multiple NtryDtls nodes in CAMTDocument

v4.3.5 [2017-10-25]

  • Fixed a SEPA date issue.
  • MT940 parser: Accept all characters in purpose text even if defined as delimiter.
  • Fixed a distributed signature bug.

v4.3.4 [2017-08-10]

  • Added the fields sum_credits and sum_debits to the MT942 parser.
  • Fixed the handling of invalid times (24:00:00) in CAMT documents.
  • Added the possibility to specify custom order parameters for FDL/FUL.
  • Added further support for SEPA structured references.

v4.3.3 [2017-06-06]

  • Fixed a bug parsing CAMT52 documents.
  • Made the user for EbicsClient optional.
  • Fixed a bug in EbicsUser.create_ini_letter to correctly return bytes.
  • Added silent parameter to method EbicsBank.activate_keys.
  • Added the attributes reference_id and sequence_id to the CAMTDocument parser.
  • Now parses the transaction classification also for DK in addition to ZKA.

v4.3.2 [2017-03-30]

  • Minor bug fix parsing MT942 documents.
  • Minor bug fix creating self-signed certificates.
  • Fixed a problem with Python builds compiled without “–with-fpectl”.

v4.3.1 [2017-02-06]

  • Fixed a bug of Account.set_mandate with named arguments.

v4.3.0 [2017-01-19]

  • PyOpenSSL is not longer required to support certificates.
  • Removed direct debit type COR1 and adjusted mandate sequence types. API changes:
    • OLD: Account.set_mandate(mref, signed, first, last)
    • NEW: Account.set_mandate(mref, signed, recurrent)
    • OLD: SEPADirectDebit(account, 'COR1', ...)
    • NEW: SEPADirectDebit(account, 'CORE', ...)

v4.2.4 [2017-01-17]

  • Added a check for DigestMethod algorithm.
  • Fixed a bug rejecting mandates signed more than three years ago.
  • Fixed minor bug in mt940 parser.

v4.2.3 [2016-10-27]

  • Fixed bug of wrong content type in EBICS module.
  • Added support for EBICS uploads that are approved manually via accompanying document.

v4.2.2 [2016-05-05]

  • Added timeout to EBICS requests.
  • Made BIC optional for SEPA transactions.
  • Added creditor id to InitgPty/OrgId for Spanish banks.
  • Added postal address to SEPA documents.
  • Added support for creditor reference numbers.

v4.2.1 [2015-08-20]

  • Added a check of the unicode variant (UCS2, UCS4) to setup.py.

v4.2.0 [2015-08-17]

  • Added the SEPA fields BREF, RREF, SQTP and RTCD to the MT940 parser.
  • Added a dictionary of possible return codes to the SEPA module.
  • Added the possibility to dynamically license additional EBICS users.
  • Fixed an encoding bug of non-ascii error messages under Python 2.
  • Fixed a bug swapping local and remote account for returned transactions by the CAMT parser.

v4.1.1 [2015-04-24]

  • Disabled output of license due to some difficulties with pip

v4.1.0 [2015-04-20]

  • Added support for other currencies in addition to EUR.
  • Added new Amount class with an integrated currency converter.
  • Now the SEPATransaction property amount is of type Amount.

v4.0.0 [2015-04-14]

  • Made the library Python 2/3 compatible.
  • Added support for the cryptography package in addition to PyCrypto.
  • Made the BIC optional for national transactions.
  • Added the originator id to SEPA documents in GB and IE.
  • Added a check to recognize transaction duplicates.
  • Added a CAMT parser.
  • Changed some attributes of SEPATransaction instances to be conform with the new CAMT parser:
    • Removed the property id.
    • Removed the property account, instead use the method get_account().
    • Renamed the property due_date to date.
    • Renamed the property ext_purpose to purpose_code.
    • Changed the property purpose, now it is a tuple of strings.
    • Changed the property amout, now debits are signed negative.
  • Fixed the handling of invalid dates (eg. 2015-02-30) in MT940 and CAMT parsers.
  • Fixed a problem with the exception handling in IPython.
  • Some code improvements and minor bug fixes.

v3.0.3 [2015-02-05]

  • Fixed a bug in the XML to dictionary converter.
  • Fixed a bug in the path handler of the EbicsKeyRing class.

v3.0.2 [2015-01-29]

  • Fixed a bug handling bank keys with a small bit-length.
  • Added some tolerance to the MT940 parser and collect unknown structured fields.

v3.0.1 [2015-01-26]

  • Renamed the package from ebics to fintech and the module client to ebics.
  • Splitted the functionality of the class EbicsClient into the classes EbicsClient, EbicsBank, EbicsUser and EbicsKeyRing. Added the new class factory EbicsClientCompat for backwards compatibility.
  • Added basic support for EBICS protocol version 2.4 (H003).
  • Added support for certificates.
  • Added the order types FUL and FDL.
  • Added a French and English version of the INI-letter.
  • Added the order types PUB, HCA, HCS and H3K.
  • Added a check of remote SSL certificates against trusted CAs.
  • Fixed the broken functionality of distributed signatures.
  • Added a much faster PBKDF2 implementation.
  • Created a more tolerant MT940 parser.
  • Changed the API of SEPACreditTransfer and SEPADirectDebit to be more consistent and added support for different PAIN scheme versions.
  • Several bug fixes.

v2.1.2 [2014-10-26]

  • Fixed some bugs regarding the distributed signature

v2.1.1 [2014-10-26]

  • Fixed a bug throwing an exception in an unregistered version of PyEBICS.
  • Fixed bug of wrong OrderParams tag used by orders of the distributed signature.

v2.1.0 [2014-09-29]

  • Added some functionality based on the SCL Directory, published by the German Central Bank.

v2.0.3 [2014-09-11]

  • Fixed a bug refusing valid creditor ids.
  • Added a test to check DATEV parameters for invalid arguments.

v2.0.2 [2014-09-05]

  • Fixed a bug in some EBICS requests (missing parameter tag).
  • Fixed a bug in the MT940 parser.

v2.0.1 [2014-08-18]

  • Fixed a bug handling XML namespaces.
  • Changed the behaviour of the flag parsed of some methods. Now a structure of dictionaries is returned instead of an objectified XML object.
  • Changed the expected type of the params parameter. Now it must be a dictionary instead of a list of tuples.
  • Added support for distributed signatures (HVU, HVD, HVZ, HVT, HVE, HVS).

v1.3.0 [2014-07-29]

  • Fixed a few minor bugs.
  • Made the package available for Windows.

v1.2.0 [2014-05-23]

  • Added new DATEV module.
  • Fixed wrong XML position of UltmtCdtr node in SEPA documents.
  • Changed the order of the (BANKCODE, ACCOUNT) tuple to (ACCOUNT, BANKCODE) used by the Account initializer.

v1.1.25 [2014-02-22]

  • Minor bug fix of the module loader.

v1.1.24 [2014-02-21]

  • First public release.